Adjusting to the Additional Needs of our Young People

Scouting is an inclusive, values based movement and membership is open to all those who share our fundamental values.

Additional need is any personal condition or situation that could make it more challenging for a young person to participate fully in Scouting. All our leaders are supported to remove real and perceived barriers to get young people participating.

Many Groups and Units in Dorset already have one or more young people who have needs that are in some way particular to them. Their aim is that young people are seen as individuals and that they are regarded equally as Members of the Movement, whatever their abilities.

We welcome enquiries to join from all young people. Why not start the conversation and apply?

Additional Needs Scouting

These are some of the many ways we achieve this:

  • Leaders communicate carefully with parents and carers
  • All leaders are trained in making scouting accessible to all
  • All our badges can be modified to make them achievable by all. However, there will be some that are beyond the ability of some, whether they have additional needs or not.
  • There is a system of support from specialists for leaders, both from the county and from HQ
    Young People who need one-to-one support can have their parent or designated person attend with them
  • All Young People take part in a programme that raises awareness in disabilities and faiths and how everyone is part of the community


THE EXCHANGE is Dorset Council’s news and information network for families with children and young people who are disabled in the Dorset Council area.

Registering with The Xchange gives parents and carers access to:

  • a discount card for local activities and attractions, called the Dorset Max Card
  • a monthly newsletter, jam packed with relevant information for our members
  • a Care Passport for disabled children participating in Short Breaks
  • a directory of Short Breaks, activities and support
HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III