The new membership system is finally with us!
Here”s how to get help in Dorset with our new systems.
- Check our FAQ to see if your question is answered there or at one of the links provided.
- If you use Facebook, post a question here
- Log a help request here
- If you’d rather not log a request and prefer to send an email, send your question to golivesupport@dorsetscouts.
We will endeavour to reply to emails and requests within 48 hours. If you want to speak to someone instead, ask someone to email on your behalf and we’ll find someone to help.
The Go Live Support Team is a group of volunteers from all Districts in the County who have offered to help us all move to the new systems. Like you, they are volunteers so please bear with us if we are delayed in coming back to you. Dorset Scouts is very grateful to everyone on the team for this extra Scouting that they are doing to support us all.