#behindthenecker Profiles
All we need from you is some answers to the following questions, and a great photo of yourself enjoying Scouting:
Meet: (Your first name)
Role: (Your Scouting Role)
What do you do when you’re not Scouting: (Your job and/or interests/hobbies)
How did you join: (Tell us how you got involved)
Why do you Scout: (Tell us why you keep coming back, what has scouting done for you?)
What do you do: (What do you do at Scouts? Activities etc)
Best Bits: (Tell us your scouting highlights and what you love most)
Please email these to necker@dorsetscouts.org.uk.
Once received we will create your own #behindthenecker profile and share this with you. And with your approval, we will upload it to our media channels and share your amazing journey so far, helping to support recruitment for Dorset Scouts. Please remember to use #behindthenecker whenever sharing.
Here’s one to give you an idea: