What are my Mandatory Ongoing Learning renewal dates?
These are stored on the Scouts Adult database called Compass. Everyone can have a Compass login. Unless you are a section leader, manager/supporter or admin, you will only see your own record.
Get a login if you haven’t already
Register here
– You may need to be told your Membership number and what email has been input on Compass, ask your line manager or your appointments secretary
Once you have a login:
Login and go to your info by clicking ‘My Profile.
Go to the ‘Training’ tab (the one just below your name in big letters).
Scroll to the bottom and click the words ‘Mandatory Ongoing Learning’ to see your details.
To see what created these dates, click the words (eg First Aid or Safety or Safeguarding)
Whilst you’re logged in, review and correct if needed: Personal details, Emergency details, Communications, Disclosures (for your renewal date)
You can then:
Do an online course for safety or safeguarding (near the bottom)
Find out how to book a course for First Aid
Find out how to have an external First Aid qualification validated