County Team

Scouting is delivered and run by a team of people. That team is then supported by our President and a Trustee Board.
  • Claire Mitchell is our County Lead Volunteer and manages the team.
  • Bradley Pickering is our County Youth Lead.
  • Bradley is also our County Programme Team Leader, maintaining our adventurous activities, managing large-scale events, Duke of Edinburgh and Kings Scout support, and specialist programme support.
  • Jackie Dawson is our County Volunteering Development Team Leader supporting welcome, learning and recognition for our county volunteers. This includes our existing adult training programme.
  • Frances Fawcett is our Transformation Lead, taking Dorset into the future as an early adopter of the new HQ processes.

Scouting is primarily delivered to our young people at district level and each district has a District Commissioner who reports to our County Commissioners.

Dorset scouts enjoys and values the support of our President Captain Michael Fulford-Dobson RN and our Vice-Presidents Dr. James Morton, Richard Whiteside, Ken Old MBE and the Right Reverend Stephen Lake. Between them they bring many professional skills and years of scouting experience.

Trustee Board

The Trustee Board is responsible for compliance and charity governance, financial management and fund raising, property, equipment and insurance, adult appointment and people management, IT support, archives, safety, support, promotion and development of local scouting.

A sub-committee manages the appointment of adults to county positions.

Raising funds for adventures

Whilst some funds come from subscriptions, Dorset scouts is always looking for ways to raise more so it can do more.

It welcomes interest from outside organisations and individuals, whether to support a specific project or to support our work in general. Please contact our office who will put you in touch with our Trustees for a discussion.

If you need to contact any of our lead volunteer members of the county team, please use the appropriate emails as below:

County Lead Volunteer –

County Youth Lead –

County Programme Team Leader –

County Volunteering Development Team Leader –

Transformation Lead –


HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III